Album art
1. nelward - Artificial Intelligence Kong [from STAFFcirc Vol. II] /v/irgin Award
2. Dream Catcher - Kevin MacLeod IP Twist Award
3. Laser Groove - Kevin MacLeod "But They'll Patch It!" Award
4. Soul Searching - Noa Guilty Pleasure Award
5. Tomorrow - Bensound NieR Award
6. Journey Home - Day 7 NieR Award
7. Super Power Cool Dude - Kevin MacLeod The Sipp Boi Award
8. Bay Breeze - FortyThr33 Paul Allen Award
9. Paisley - TEAM MANDALA CS Grad Award
10. Todd and the sweet little lies - Crowbcat CS Grad Award
11. if only - rook1e 2B Award
12. Nostalgia - Tobu Peebee Award
13. Pyres - Broken Elegance Who Cares Award
14. Flow is Overflowing (Instrumental) - My room Records Make it Stop Award
15. Henry's Monstrocity - Nelward The Little Game that Could Award
16. Habanera - Kevin Macleod PIXEL5 R A4T Award
17. BarkerHQ - TEAL MANDALA Seal of Quality Award
18. Finger 11 - Paralyzer Newgrounds Award
19. ParagoX9 - Choaz Fantasy Newgrounds Award
20. Hong Kong 97 Theme Kamige Award
21. Nowtro - Neon Marathon (Droid Bishop remix) /v/3 Award
22. Changing Every Day Tablet Mode Award
23. 想死个人的兵哥哥 4K ULTRA HD 2160P RETINA DISPLAY Award
24. Maria Lisa - You Make Me Feel AESTHETICS Award
25. Vive - I Need Your Loving AESTHETICS Award
26. B.G. The Prince Of Rap - The Colour Of My Dreams (TNT Party Prince-Mix) AESTHETICS Award
27. Beat System - Stay With Me (Club Mix) AESTHETICS Award
28. Kristy - Crazy Crazy AESTHETICS Award
29. Piece of Cake - Run Away (Terminate Club Mix) AESTHETICS Award
30. Affectionate Land Button Masher Award
31. Shenmue II - Ohshu Soba Press X to Win the Award
32. Hua'er Hate Machine Award
33. Dreamscape - 009 Sound System Downward Spiral Award
34. Why Do I have 6000 Followers - McMangos Hyperbole Award
35. Windows 98 Introductory Music Windows 98 Award
36. Katamari on the Rocks Katamari Award
37. Tetris Effect - Pharaoh's Code Katamari Award
38. Deltarune - Rude Buster Katamari Award
39. Splatoon 2 Octo Expansion - frisk (Dedf1sh) Katamari Award
40. Octopath Traveler - Battle I Katamari Award
41. Super Smash Bros Ulimate - F-ZERO Medley Katamari Award
42. Super Smash Bros Ulimate - Gang-Plank Galleom Remix Katamari Award
43. 草帽丢了 Aniki Award
44. A Sunny Day Plot and Backstory Award
45. Let Go - Glue70 Most Hated Award
46. Bad Dreams - whyetc Least Worst Award